Skiing like in the old days - so get out your perfect 70s Outfits 🕺🎿❄️ More!

Lots of NEW things at Alpin Arena Schnals! 🚠❄️

Winterseason 24/25

Make use of our convenient self-service cash desks, the new ski depot, and the handy Indoor Parking (garage) – for a more relaxed skiing experience! Plus, a brand-new restaurant/bar right at the valley station is waiting for you.

Learn more


Od 1 stycznia 2022 r. na trasach zjazdowych obowiązują następujące zasady bezpieczeństwa:

  • Każdy narciarz/snowboardzista/telemarker musi posiadać ważne ubezpieczenie od odpowiedzialności cywilnej, pokrywające szkody lub obrażenia osób trzecich.

  • Obowiązek noszenia kasku ochronnego dla osób niepełnoletnich.

  • Jazda na nartach w stanie nietrzeźwym (napoje alkoholowe, substancje toksyczne) jest zabroniona.


The piste rules of the International Ski Federation

International Ski Association rules for the winter sports enthusiast, to ensure safety on the slopes.


  • Respect for Others: all skiers must act in a way in which they do not endanger or hurt others.
  • Control of Speed and Skiing: a skier must adapt their speed and way of skiing to their personal ability and to the prevailing conditions of snow, terrain and weather.
  • Control of Direction: a skier coming from above must take a direction or path which assures the safety of skiers below.
  • Overtaking: it is permitted to overtake a skier on either side, providing you leave sufficient room.
  • Crossing the Slope: a skier who wishes to enter or cross a ski slope must ensure that they do so without endangering others.
  • Stopping: never stop in constricted areas or places with poor visibility. In the event of a fall, move to the side as soon as possible.
  • Respect for signals: skiers must obey all signs.
  • Conduct at Accidents: at an accident, it is everyone’s duty to assist.
  • Proof of Identification: witnesses must show identification and establish their identity if a report of an accident is required.


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